Scientific profile

  • About department
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  • Laboratories

Our studies are focused on biologically active secondary metabolites from plants and plant tissue cultures, with special interest in compounds biosynthesized by the plants of Cichorieae and Inuleae tribes (Asteraceae family). Recently, we have been investigating formerly unexamined Lactuca species of African and Asian origin, in a search of antioxidative and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Scope of research

  • plant secondary metabolites – isolation and structure identification/elucidation,
  • qualitative and quantitative analysis of bioactive compounds in a plant material,
  • regulation of plant metabolism in vitro and in vivo,
  • bioactivity assays,
  • tissue cultures of medicinal plants.

In cooperation with other research teams and institutions we perform analyses of selected compounds in a plant material of different origin, provide pure compounds for bioactivity evaluation and share plant materials for biological studies.


  • Publications

Further sesquiterpenoids and phenolics from two species of Taraxacum F.H. Wigg. and cytotoxic activity of taraxinic acid and its derivatives

Klaudia Michalska, Agnieszka Galanty, Oskar Michalski, Anna Stojakowska

DOI: 10.1016/j.phytol.2019.02.010

Major terpenoids from Telekia speciosa flowers and their cytotoxic activity in vitro

Stojakowska, A., Galanty, A., Malarz, J., Michalik, M.

DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2018.1437431

Thymol derivatives from the roots of Xerolekia speciosissima an endemic species of the pre-Alpine area

Kłeczek, N., Malarz, J., Kosecka-Strojek, M., Musielak, B., Stojakowska, A.

DOI: 10.1016/j.phytol.2019.01.010

Secondary Metabolism in Tissue and Organ Cultures of Plants from the Tribe Cichorieae

Stojakowska, A., Malarz, J.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11253-0_23-1

Natural products from Tolpis barbata (L.) Gaertn. (Asteraceae, Cichorieae)

Michalska, K., Malarz, J., Paul, W., Stojakowska, A.

DOI: 10.1016/j.bse.2019.103922

Eupatoriopicrin Inhibits Pro-inflammatory Functions of Neutrophils via Suppression of IL-8 and TNF-alpha Production and p38 and ERK 1/2 MAP Kinases.

Michalak B, Piwowarski JP, Granica S, Waltenberger B, Atanasov AG, Khan SY, Breuss JM, Uhrin P, Żyżyńska-Granica B, Stojakowska A, Stuppner H, Kiss AK

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.8b00939

Does co-inoculation of Lactuca serriola with endophytic and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve plant growth in a polluted environment?

Ważny, R., Rozpądek, P., Jędrzejczyk, R.J., Śliwa, M., Stojakowska, A., Anielska, T., Turnau, K.

DOI: 10.1007/s00572-018-0819-y

Phenolics and terpenoids from a wild edible plant Lactuca orientalis (Boiss.) Boiss.: A preliminary study

Stojakowska, A., Michalska, K., Kłeczek, N., Malarz, J., Beharav, A.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2018.01.024

Bioactive phenolics from in vitro cultures of Lactuca aculeata Boiss. et Kotschy

Stojakowska, A., Malarz, J.

DOI: 10.1016/j.phytol.2016.11.003

See also