Department of Brain Biochemistry
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Department of Brain Biochemistry
Scientific profile
- Employees
- Laboratories
Pracownicy zakładu
Professor Irena Nalepa, dr hab.
Katarzyna Kuter-Nowak, dr hab.
Elżbieta Lorenc-Koci, dr hab.
Piotr Chmielarz, dr
Danuta Jantas, dr hab.
Agnieszka Zelek-Molik, dr
Joanna Kula, dr
Justyna Barut, dr
Adam Bielawski, dr
Jolanta Konieczny, dr
Katarzyna Rafa-Zabłocka, dr
Katarzyna Maziarz, mgr
Michał Wilczkowski, mgr
Anna Alwani, mgr
Tomasz Lenda, mgr
Agata Maziak, dr
Emilija Napieralska, mgr
Pracownicy pracowni
Katarzyna Kuter-Nowak, dr hab.
Elżbieta Lorenc-Koci, dr hab.
Joanna Kula, dr
Tomasz Lenda, mgr
Agata Maziak, dr
Emilija Napieralska, mgr
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
The interplay of neurochemistry and cancer biology: in the search for novel glioblastoma multiforme therapy among dopamine receptor ligands
Danuta Jantas, PhD
PASIFIC Call 1 TheraLanOx "Neuroprotective properties of theranostic lanthanide oxide nanoparticles against neurotoxin-induced cellular models of Parkinson’s disease"
Rugmani Meenambal, PhD
Hybrid carbon composites for stimulation of cells of the central nervous system
Danuta Jantas, PhD
Evaluation of the influence of progressive noradrenergic neurodegeneration on dopaminergic system functioning in context of presymptomatic phase of Parkinson's disease
Grzegorz Kreiner, PhD
Różnicowanie udziału trzech podtypów receptora alfa(1)-adrenergicznego w efektach leków przeciwdepresyjnych: badania w oparciu o genetyczne modele in vitro oraz in vivo OPUS9 2015/17/B/NZ7/03018
Professor Irena Nalepa, PhD
Zanieczyszczenia powietrza a choroby autoimmunologiczne: rola wielofazowej chemii nieorganicznej SYMFONIA3: APARIC 2015/16/W/ST5/00005
Professor Irena Nalepa, PhD
Evaluation of the role of transcription factor CREB in the mechanisms antidepressant treatment
Grzegorz Kreiner, PhD
The study on the role of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 8 (mGluR8) in cancer cells - potential target for new anticancer drugs
Danuta Jantas, PhD
Pharmacological evaluation of possible neuroprotective strategies in novel genetic mouse models of progressive neurodegeneration, based on tissue specific inducible Cre/loxP system
Grzegorz Kreiner, PhD
The study on the neuroprotective potential of metabotropic glutamate group II and III receptors in in vitro and in vivo apoptosis models
Danuta Jantas, PhD
Badanie interakcji szlaków sygnałowych: receptory alfa1-adrenergiczne – stres komórkowy – apoptoza, w modelu chronicznego łagodnego stresu - zadanie 1.4 POIG.01.01.02-12-004/09 DeMeTer (Depresja – Mechanizmy – Terapia) Działanie 1.1 Poddziałanie 1.1.2. Zadanie główne: Modelowanie depresji – strategia poznawania jej etiologii.
Professor Irena Nalepa, PhD
Badanie interakcji układu noradrenergicznego i glukokortykoidowego w nowym modelu genetycznym i ocena jego przydatności jako modelu depresji u myszy - zadanie 1.2 POIG 01.01.02-12-004/09 DeMeTer (Depresja – Mechanizmy – Terapia). Działanie 1.1 Poddziałanie 1.1.2. Zadanie główne: Modelowanie depresji – strategia poznawania jej etiologii.
Grzegorz Kreiner, PhD
Funkcja in vitro: funkcjonalna aktywność nowych ligandów receptora serotoninowego 5HT(6) i dopaminowego D(2) na poziomie modulacji odpowiedzi wtórnych przekaźników zadanie nr 6 GRANT POIG ProKog Nr UDA-POIG.01.03.01-12-063/09-02 Działanie 1.3, Poddziałanie 1.3.1: Antagoniści receptora 5HT(6): nowoczesne leki przeciwpsychotyczne o dodatkowym działaniu prokognitywnym
Professor Irena Nalepa, PhD
2020 - Bronze Cross of Merit from President of Poland; for significant contribution to science development in Poland
Danuta Jantas, PhD
Team Scientific Award of the 5th Medical Sciences PAS for a series of 3 publications "The role of astrocytes in mechanisms compensating for the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and in the regulation of cellular energy of the black-striatal system in an animal model of early Parkinson's disease"
Katarzyna Kuter - Nowak, PhD
2009 - Young Investigator Award, Neuropeptides Festival, Salzburg, Austria.
Danuta Jantas, PhD
Award for publication woth high IF in 2018 granted by the Head of the Institute of Pharmacology
Katarzyna Kuter - Nowak, PhD
Fluoxetine increases steady-state levels of preproenkephalin mRNA in rat amygdala by a serotonin dependent mechanism
Rossby, S.P., Perrin, C., Burt, A., Nalepa, I., Schmidt, D., Sulser, F.
Effects of electroconvulsive seizures on protein kinase C-induced potentiation of cyclic AMP response are modified by pretreatment with antidepressant drugs
Nalepa, I., Kowalska, M., Vetulani, J.
P-2 Effects of electroconvulsive seizures on protein kinase C-induced potentiation of cyclic AMP response are modified by pretreatment with antidepressant drugs
Nalepa, I., Kowalska, M., Vetulani, J.
DOI: 10.1016/0924-977X(96)83814-4
Modulation by mianserin pretreatment of the chronic electroconvulsive shock effects on the adrenergic system in the cerebral cortex of the rat
Nalepa, I., Chalecka-Franaszek, E., Vetulani, J.
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1077(199607)11:4<273::AID-HUP769>3.0.CO;2-E
Norepinephrine-independent regulation of GRII mRNA in vivo by a tricyclic antidepressant
Paul Rossby, S., Nalepa, I., Huang, M., Perrin, C., Burt, A.M., Schmidt, D.E., Gillespie, D.D., Sulser, F.
DOI: 10.1016/0006-8993(95)00459-4
The responsiveness of cerebral cortical adrenergic receptors after chronic administration of atypical antidepressant mianserin
Nalepa, I., Vetulani, J.
The effect of psychotropic drugs on the interaction of protein kinase C with second messenger systems in the rat cerebral cortex
Nalepa, I.
Altered modulation by excitatory amino acids of cortical phosphatidylinositol system stimulated by carbachol in rats poisoned by an anti-cholinesterase compound, diisopropyl fluorophosphate
Fortuna, S., Pintor, A., Nalepa, I., Michalek, H.
Retrieval associated cholinergic activity and its inhibition by memory updating
Popik, P., Nalepa, I., Mamczarz, J., Vetulani, J.
DOI: 10.1016/0024-3205(94)00852-3
The effect of (—)‐4‐(2‐hydroxy‐3(N‐isopropylamino)‐propoxyimino)‐cis‐carane on basal and forskolin‐stimulated accumulation of cyclic AMP in the cerebral cortical slices of the rat
DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-7158.1994.tb03823.x