Scientific profile

  • About department
  • Employees

Affective Cognitive Neuroscience Lab was established in 2013 as a subdivision of the Department of Behavioural Neuroscience and Drug Development at the Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2017 the laboratory was associated with the Department of Pharmacology. Our main research activity is aimed at investigating the behavioural, pharmacological, neuroanatomical, and neurochemical correlates of cognitive processing biases in animal models.

Interesting links:,Dezinformacja-choroba-XXI-wieku,410967,szczurzy-pesymisci-pomagaja-zrozumiec-depresje.html,285.html


  • Publications
  • Grants
  • Awards


Translational and interdisciplinary investigation of phenotypes of reinforcement sensitivity as predictors of the response to antidepressant treatment

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


#Webimmunization. How can online social networks create collective resilience against misinformation?

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


The role of cognitive bias in individual vulnerability to to the transition from controlled use to uncontrolled abuse of alcohol in an animal model

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Neuroscience boat

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Neuroscience bus

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Sensitivity to negative feedback as a cognitive biomarker of depression in an animal model

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Changes in neurogenesis during withdrawal from nicotine self-administration in rats - role of serotonin (5-HT)2C receptors

Magdalena Zaniewska PhD


Pessimism as a cognitive biomarker of depressive disorder in an animal model (Grant NCN DEC-2014/13/B/NZ4/00214)

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Neurobiologia optymizmu: Badanie neuroanatomicznych i neurochemicznych źródeł tendencyjności poznawczej w modelu zwierzęcym (Grant NCN DEC-2012/07/E/NZ4/00196) Realizowany w latach 2013-2016. Przyznany w ramach programu Sonata BIS 2 Narodowego Centrum Nauki.

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Afektywna tendencyjność procesów poznawczych w przedklinicznym modelu manii (Grant MNiSW IP2011047271) Realizowany w latach 2012-2014. Przyznany w ramach programu Iuventus Plus przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Defining the mechanism regulating serotonin function in the development of depression-like behaviour and alcohol addiction in animals

Magdalena Zaniewska PhD


The Pessimistic Rat; a Search for the New Cognitive Biomarkers of Depressive Disorder Realizowany w latach 2011-2013. Przyznany w ramach programu Homing Plus 2/2010 Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej.

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Signalling cascades underlying behavioural effects of nicotine in rats

Magdalena Zaniewska PhD


Translational and interdisciplinary investigation of phenotypes of reinforcement sensitivity as predictors of the response to antidepressant treatment

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Statek neurobiologiczny - wiedza o mózgu na falach Wisły pod Wawelem Grant na popularyzację nauki, realizowany w ramach programu MNiSW "Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki – Popularyzacja nauki i promocja sportu" w roku 2020

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD


Rafal Rygula: Prime Minister's award for habilitation

Professor Rafał Ryguła, PhD

Chronic Psychosocial Stress Causes Increased Anxiety-Like Behavior and Alters Endocannabinoid Levels in the Brain of C57Bl/6J Mice.

Bouter Y, Brzózka MM, Rygula R, Pahlisch F, Leweke FM, Havemann-Reinecke U, Rohleder C

DOI: 10.1089/can.2019.0041

Aberrant promoter methylation may be responsible for the control of CD146 (MCAM) gene expression during breast cancer progression

Paulina Dudzik, Sonia Elzbieta Trojan, Barbara Ostrowska, Małgorzata Lasota, Joanna Dulińska-Litewka, Piotr Laidler, Kinga Anna Kocemba-Pilarczyk

DOI: 10.18388/abp.2019_2907

Application of case study to introduce medical students to molecular biology techniques used in HIV diagnostics

kinga kocemba-pilarczyk, Barbara Ostrowska, Paulina Dudzik, Michał J. Markiewicz, Débora Sotirios Souza Pegos, Chaewon Lim

DOI: 10.1002/bmb.21232

Using rodents to model abnormal sensitivity to feedback in depression

Rygula, R., Noworyta-Sokolowska, K., Drozd, R., Kozub, A.

DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.10.008

See also