Official journal of Maj Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences

ISSN: 1734-1140; e-ISSN: 2299-5684

Scope of the journal. Pharmacological Reports is an open forum for recent developments in experimental and clinical pharmacology, dealing with the action of drugs at cellular, molecular and behavioral levels.
It publishes research articles, reviews, and short communications. The journal guarantees rapid publication of accepted papers, comprised of fast acceptance and publication for articles. It is a hybrid journal, offering the choice of open access, and is published bi-monthly.

Abstracted and indexed in: BIOSIS, Biological Abstracts, CNKI, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Dimensions, EBSCO Discovery Service, EMBASE, Google Scholar, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Medline, Naver, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon, SCImago, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), TD Net Discovery Service, UGC-CARE List (India).

Publication of journal „Pharmacological Reports” is supported by funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education allocated to activities aimed at popularizing science, the project titled: „Increasing the impact and visibility of the Pharmacological Reports among international research society and R&D sector” (agreement No. 879/P-DUN/2019).

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