Sympozjum naukowe pt. Neuropharmacology towards neuroplasticity: A journey from historical roots to future innovations

W dniach 2-3 grudnia 2024 roku w Krakowie odbyło się sympozjum naukowe pt. Neuropharmacology towards neuroplasticity: A journey from historical roots to future innovations, zorganizowane z okazji jubileuszu 70-lecia Instytutu Farmakologii im. Jerzego Maja Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
The event attracted 279 participants, including many prominent representatives from the world of science and medicine.
The symposium was honored by the presence of, among others:
- prof. Natalia Sobczak, Vice President of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
- prof. Marek Krawczyk, Dean of Faculty V of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
- Dr. Anna Okońska-Walkowicz, Advisor to the Mayor of Krakow for Senior Policy.
Also present were members of the Polish Academy of Sciences, representatives of institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, prominent scientists from Polish and foreign universities and partner companies. Participants had the opportunity to tour the Institute’s modern research facilities at the Center for the Development of New Pharmacotherapies for Disorders of the Central Nervous System (CEPHARES).
Highlights of the program
Prof. PhD Margaret Filip – Director of the Institute and Prof. PhD Jan Rodriguez Parkitna – Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs introduced the history of the Institute and presented its scientific potential. They emphasized the fact that over the past seven decades the Institute has become a leading research institution in Poland, specializing in neuropsychopharmacology, and the symposium aimed to highlight the Institute’s contribution to the field, both in the past and at present, and to present the latest research that is being conducted in 14 Departments, 8 Laboratories and 2 Teams.
The keynote lecture entitled Development of glutamate-based antidepressants: looking back and to the future was given by Dr. Phil Skolnick (Indivior Inc., Midlothian Turnpike, N. Chesterfield, USA). Dr. Skolnick has worked with IF PAN scientists for many years, enabling them to conduct long-term research stays in the United States. He collaborated with Prof. Jerzy Maj, Prof. Jerzy Vetulani, Prof. Gabriel Nowak, Prof. Piotr Popik, among others. He is the author of a number of studies on antidepressant drugs and strategies for finding them, and is the recipient of the Anna Monica Award for his contributions to antidepressant drug research.
Plenary lectures were delivered by:
Prof. Mart Saarma (Institute of Biotechnology, HiLIFE; University of Helsinki, Finland) in a lecture titled Cell stress regulating CDNF protein protects neurons cells by novel mechanism presented groundbreaking research on new mechanisms of neuroprotection
Prof. Micaela Morelli (University of Cagliari, CNR Institute of Neuroscience, Cagliari, Italy) in a lecture entitled How scientific and cultural international collaborations uplift knowledge on neuropharmacology research and impact on new generation: value and future perspectives emphasized the importance of international collaboration in neuropharmacology.
Prof. Christian P. Müller (University Clinic, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany) in a lecture entitled The pharmacotherapy of drug use disorders – past, present and future presented a novel approach to the pharmacotherapy of psychoactive substance use disorders.
The research potential of the Institute was presented by young scientists Dr. Piotr Chmielarz, Dr. Barbara Chruścicka-Smaga and Dr. Katarzyna Popiołek-Barczyk during presentations showing the most important achievements and directions of ongoing research in Alzhaimer’s disease, the role of the glutamatergic system in the action of antidepressants, the role of the H3 receptor in neuropathic pain or synaptic plasticity.
Lecture links:
Twenty-eight posters were presented during the two-day poster session, and a Book of Abstracts containing all lecture abstracts and conference reports was published on the symposium website:
A book publication depicting the history of research and the evolution of the Institute’s scientific teams, illustrated with photographs with special emphasis on the last 20 years of the Institute’s operation, was being prepared.
Recognition and awards
During the event, state awards were presented to distinguished employees of the Institute:
Brązowy Krzyż Zasługi: dr hab. Agnieszka Chocyk, dr hab. Agata Faron-Górecka, prof. IF PAN, dr hab. Małgorzata Frankowska, dr hab. Grzegorz Kreiner, dr hab. Agnieszka Pałucha-Poniewiera, prof. IF PAN, prof. PhD Rafał Ryguła, PhD, Joanna Wieronska, prof. IF PAN;
Silver Cross of Merit: prof. PhD Anna Stojakowska;
Gold medal for long service: prof. PhD Krystyna Gołembiowska.
Employees of the Institute celebrating anniversaries of professional work were also honored
45th anniversary, 50th anniversary and 55th anniversary of work: prof. PhD Ryszard Przewłocki, Ph.D., Sophia Rogóż, prof. PhD Maria Śmiałowska, Krzysztof Czepiec;
30th anniversary and 35th anniversary of work: prof. PhD Agnieszka Basta-Kaim, prof. PhD Małgorzata Filip, prof. PhD Joanna Mika, dr hab. Barbara Ziółkowska, dr Wiktor Bilecki, Aneta Kozioł;
20th anniversary and 25th anniversary of work: Dr. Bartosz Bobula, Dr. Ryszard Bugno, prof. PhD Agnieszka Nikiforuk, Magdalena Łasoń, MA, Agata Suder.
We sincerely thank you for your participation in the symposium. Your presence, commitment and substantive contributions gave the event a special meaning, making it truly unique.
Every presentation, discussion and moment spent together was a source of inspiration and motivation for us to continue our scientific work. Your deep involvement in the topics covered confirms how relevant and timely the challenges facing modern pharmacology are.
Thank you for celebrating our anniversary together, and we hope that we will have the opportunity to meet again at future scientific initiatives. Thank you for the pleasant atmosphere that accompanied our anniversary, and we hope that together we created an event that will remain in your memory for a long time.
The project Neuropharmacology towards neuroplasticity: A journey from historical roots to future innovations was co-financed from the state budget within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education called “Excellent Science” project number: KONF/SP/0256/2024/02.
The amount of funding 152,538.20 PLN, the total value of the project 205,551.20 PLN.